onsdag 27. juli 2011

Hm, hot and sexy


You�re my shining sun, my glowing stars, my precious moon

You're my beautiful, bright red fragrant rose in June
My heart beats with thoughts of you engraved in my soul
I think of you and how you make my heart whole.

Come to me my angel; wrap me up in your sweet embrace
Let me hold you in my strength, let me glow in your grace
Would happily walk through desert sands to lie in your arms
Would climb the highest mountain to reach your glowing charms.

My heart craving to affectionately arouse your desire
Yearning to melt within your soul's warm passionate fire.
Oh how your sweet euphoric words drive my heart wild
Your words leave me senseless, like an adolescent child.

I yearn to soar with you to the clouds up above
Hoping to be taken there on the wings of your love
The affection I have for you will forever be in my heart
Till the day we meet and from there we will never par

Love poems

These compliments
Are never-ending
I speak the truth
Just like these words
Have come from
My heart.
In case you're wondering
Yes girl
I do
Idolize you

And if I had one wish
It would be to have you
As my girl
A dream come true
Is what that would be
An eternity with you
Is all
I could ever want

Forever falling
In to your
Beautiful brown eyes
Is worth more to me
Than there are
Stars in the sky.

Love poems

You're outstanding
At everything you do
Are a work of art.

You're majestic
Your impressive beauty
Dignity and serene composure
Make you worthy
Of admiration

Your incessable perfection
Is incredible
There's no one else
In the world
Like you.

You're very special
You mean more to me
Than you could imagine
I need you more than
The air I breathe

You're outgoing
Very easy to talk to
And to approach
No matter what mood
You are in.

Love poems

(You, In My Eyes)

You never cease
To amaze me
You're hypnotising
You've cast a spell on me
And I never want it undone

I'm mesmerized by you
Everything you do
No matter how small
Leaves me in amazement

One of a kind
Is what you are
There's no exceptions
There's only you

You're an angel
Sent from the heavens
You're the light
That brightens up my life

In my eyes
You can do no wrong
In my eyes
You are beauty defined

I love you
I admire you
I'm amazed by you

This is you
In my eyes.


A friend is like a flower,
a rose to be exact,
Or maybe like a brand new gate
that never comes unlatched.
A friend is like an owl,
both beautiful and wise.
Or perhaps a friend is like a ghost,
whose spirit never dies.
A friend is like a heart that goes
strong until the end.
Where would we be in this world
if we didn't have a friend.


Møter du veggen, så mal den i lyse farger! Heng opp noen gode minner, og tenk på dem som er glad i deg. Og skulle du trenge “malehjelp”, spør dine venner. Men husk; Når du møter veggen – vil du fort se hvem som virkelig bryr seg. Og hvem som svikter! Men fortvil ikke! Fordi du sitter igjen med de ekte. Venner er de som hjelper hverandre :-) ♥

Love poems

Oh soul,
you worry too much.
You have seen your own strength.
You have seen your own beauty.
You have seen your golden wings.
Of anything less,
why do you worry?
You are in truth
the soul, of the soul, of the soul.


En venn som deg er en sjelden skatt.
En blinkende stjerne en sommernatt!
Over de høyeste fjell,
Gjennom de dypeste daler,
ingen avstand er for stor,
i mitt hjerte du alltid bor!!Du er ikke her men jeg klemmer ditt kinn,
en klem jeg sender med silkemyk vind.
Åpne et vindu,sett deg og vente,
den vinden du kjenner er klemmen jeg sendte :-)♥

yfrog Video : http://yfrog.com/b9vqgz - Uploaded by colinjustin

yfrog Video : http://yfrog.com/b9vqgz - Uploaded by colinjustin

Colin and Justin in Glasgow